Terms of use


1.1. Public offer – the offer of the Contractor, addressed to any natural person (hereinafter referred to as the 'Client' or 'User') in accordance with Article 633 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, to enter into an Agreement with him on the terms contained in the public offer (hereinafter - Public Offer or Agreement).

1.2. Agreement- the contract for the provision of services regarding the online booking of event attendance services provided by the Contractor under the terms of the Public Offer at the time of acceptance by the user of its terms (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement).

1.3. Services- online booking services for event attendance provided by the Contractor to the User.

1.4. Site – a web resource on the Internet located at: electroperedachi@gmail.com

1.5. Account – a set of data about the User, necessary for his authentication.

1.6. User – a natural person who has reached the age of 18, who has full civil legal capacity and legal capacity, who entered into an Agreement with the Executor on the terms contained in the Public Offer by way of acceptance.

1.7. Performer – electroperedachi music label. The owner - the organizer is a natural person entrepreneur Yevhenii Tyupa Olegovich, EDRPOU code 3588101191 (hereinafter - the Company) provides the possibility of online booking of tickets to attend the event under the conditions contained in the Public Offer.

1.8. Acceptance – full and unconditional acceptance by the User of the terms of the Public Offer.

1.9. Legislation – current legislation of Ukraine.


2.1. The Contractor proposes to enter into an Agreement for the provision of services for online reservation of event attendance services on the terms specified in this Agreement.

2.2. The User, by registering on the Site, accepts this Agreement, unconditionally and unconditionally agrees to the terms of the provision of Services provided for by this Public Offer and the obligations imposed on the User within the framework of this Public Offer and obligations is committed to complying with them.

2.3. Acceptance of the Public Offer by the User may also be evidenced by the payment of the cost of the Services in the manner specified in this Public Offer.


3.1. For the possibility of online booking of the Contractor's services for attending the event, the User must make a payment on the Site (fill out the payment form and successfully complete it)..

3.2. The user must go through the following procedure when making a payment:

3.2.2. express agreement with the Contractor's Privacy Policy and consent to the processing of the User's personal data by the Contractor;

3.2.3. express agreement with the terms of the User Agreement, in the way prescribed in Article 3.3 of the User Agreement.

3.3. The User Agreement comes into force upon the User's agreement with the terms in the form, by the User clicking the 'I accept the terms of the User Agreement' button located in the registration form.

3.4. By filling out the authentication of the registration form, the User agrees to provide accurate and truthful information about himself. In the event that the User provides inaccurate information about himself, the Contractor shall have the right to deny such User access to event attendance services, including including their online booking.

3.5. The user confirms at the time of registration that he has reached the age of 18 and has full legal capacity and legal capacity.

3.6. Upon completion of payment for the service, the User receives a ticket sent to the email address specified in the form.

3.7. In the event that the Contractor suspects the User of committing illegal acts, including: fraud with bank cards, distribution of spam, malicious programs, other acts that violate the terms of this Public Offer, the right to contact the appropriate state authorities with a request and/or block and/or delete the User's account.

3.8. By completing the payment on the Site, the User confirms that he is fluent in the Ukrainian language, and therefore declares that this Public Offer cannot be recognized as invalid or not accepted by the User on the sole basis that that it is written in Ukrainian.


4.1. Any use of the results of intellectual activity posted on the Site (including elements of visual design, symbols, texts, graphic images, illustrations, photos, videos, programs, music, trademarks and other objects objects) without the written permission of the Contractor or the legal right holder is illegal andmay serve as a reason for legal proceedings and bringing violators to civil, administrative and criminal liability in accordance with the legislation.

4.2. Except for the cases established by this Public Offer, as well as by current Legislation, no result of intellectual activity may be copied (reproduced), processed, distributed, displayed in a frame, published, downloaded, transferred, sold or otherwise used in whole or in parts, without the prior written permission of the Performer or the legal right holder.


5.1. The user has the right to:

5.1.1. to use the services of online reservation of services provided by the Contractor in the manner specified by the Agreement;

5.1.2. Receive ticket for successful payment

5.1.3. other rights of the User provided for by this Public Offer and the Legislation.

5.2. The user undertakes:

5.2.1. to comply with the provisions of current legislation, the Agreement and other special documents of the Contractor;

5.2.2. to pay for the Services in the amount and order specified in this Agreement;

5.2.3. regularly familiarize yourself with the information posted on the Site, including this Public Offer, in order to timely familiarize yourself with changes and/or additions to the List of the Contractor's services and their cost.

5.2.4. refrain from actions that interfere with the work of the Contractor, as well as from any other actions that violate the rights of the Contractor and/or third parties;

5.2.6. provide accurate, up-to-date and complete information about yourself when filling out the payment form;

5.2.7. properly perform other duties stipulated by this Public Offer.

5.3. The user is prohibited from using:

5.3.1. Distribute personal information to third parties


6.1. The performer has the right to:

6.1.1. to send messages to Users regarding advertising of the Contractor's services;

6.1.2. at its discretion, delete any information that violates and/or may violate the Legislation, the provisions of the Agreement and the rights of third parties;

6.1.3. change and/or add to this Public Offer without special notice to the User. Changes/additions take effect from the moment of their placement (publication) on the Site, unless otherwise determined by the Contractor;

6.1.4. at any time require confirmation from the User of the data specified during registration and request in this regard supporting documents. Failure to provide such documents, at the discretion of the Contractor, may be equated to to the provision of inaccurate information, in connection with which the latter has the right to deny the User registration or provision of services;

6.1.5. to conduct marketing activities, including by sending relevant information to the User's e-mail and/or in the form of sms messages;

6.1.6. other rights of the Contractor provided for by this Public Offer.

6.2. Obligations of the Executor:

6.1.1. accept and process User registration forms;

6.1.2. to accept funds to pay for the Contractor's Services;

6.1.3. other obligations of the Contractor provided for by this Public Offer.


7.1. The Contractor provides Services to the User subject to advance payment. The advance payment is not returned in the event of the User's refusal to continue receiving services.

7.2. The cost and terms of payment for the Services are indicated on the Site.

7.3. Payment for the Services is made by the User by transferring funds to the Contractor through payment systems and payment methods supported by the Contractor. The list of payment systems and methods available for payment is determined by the Contractor unilaterally and is indicated on the Site.

7.4. The fact of the User's registration and/or payment for the Services by one of the methods specified on the Site is the basis for the rights and obligations of the Contractor and the User under the Agreement.

7.5. Refunds are made subject to the user's request and only subject to changes by the organizer (cancellation or postponement)


8.1. The user is responsible for the accuracy and reliability of the information specified by him when filling out the payment form.

8.2 In the event that third parties present claims to the Contractor related to the User's actions on the Site, the User shallundertakes to settle the specified claims with third parties with his own efforts and at his own expense, protecting the Contractor from possible proceedings, damages and compensations.

8.3. In the event that, as a result of claims from third parties, the Contractor suffers losses and/or the Contractor pays fines, compensations, damages, expenses, etc. to such third parties, the Contractor has the right to demand, and the User undertakes to compensate them to the Contractor (fines, compensations, damages, costs, payments, etc.).


9.1. Disclaimer for the actions of the User or third parties.

The Contractor is not responsible for:

9.1.1. any actions of the User;

9.1.2. accuracy and correctness of information provided by the User during payment;

9.1.3. any errors, omissions, interruptions, deletions, defects, delays in data processing or transmission, theft, destruction or unauthorized access by third parties to the results of intellectual activity posted on the Site;

9.1.4. statements of Users published on the Site;

9.1.5. incomplete, inaccurate or incorrect indication by the User of his data during payment;

9.1.6. the User's lack of access to the Internet and the quality of services of Internet providers, banking institutions;

9.2. The Contractor is not responsible for direct or indirect damage, as well as lost profit of the User or third parties as a result of:

9.2.1. unauthorized access by third parties to the User's personal information, including that linked to the account created by him;

9.3. Under any circumstances, the Contractor's liability to the User is limited to an amount that does not exceed the amount of payments received by the Contractor from the User before the occurrence of the circumstances that caused the Contractor's liability to arise.


10.1. All disputes arising in connection with this Agreement shall be resolved by the parties through negotiations.

10. 2. Any claims of the User arising in connection with this Agreement shall be submitted to the Contractor by e-mail to the address electroperedachi@gmail.com

10.3. The Contractor, as far as possible, will send a response to the User's e-mail address, the corresponding claim.

10.4. The Contractor does not consider anonymous claims or claims that do not allow identifying the User based on the data provided by him during registration.


11.1. This Public Offer and all relations between the Contractor and the User arising on the basis of this Public Offer are regulated and interpreted in accordance with the Legislation.

11.2. If for any reason any of the terms of this Public Offer are held to be invalid or unenforceable, this shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the other terms of the Offer.

11.3 This Public Offer is concluded for an indefinite period and extends its effect to all Users who have registered on the Site, starting from the moment of such registration.

11.4. This Public Offer becomes effective from the moment of its posting on the Contractor's Website.